Hot Chocolate

You can create your own Belgian hot chocolate at home. Try our button bags of Milk, Dark,  or White Belgian Chocolate buttons - the real Belgian hot chocolate experience!

Or simply warm your milk, and either stir through a hot chocolate spoon or add 2 Plonkers to create the best hot chocolate you have ever tasted.

Showing 1 - of item(s)

Milk Chocolate Buttons 200g


Smooth and creamy milk Belgian chocolate buttons.

Dark Chocolate Buttons 200g


Rich dark Belgian chocolate buttons.

White Chocolate Buttons 200g


Smooth and creamy white Belgian chocolate buttons

Mixed Chocolate Buttons 200g


Mixed Belgian chocolate buttons.

Hot Chocolate Plonkers 140g


Take 250mls of hot milk. Carefully insert 2 plonkers. Stir with a spoon and enjoy.

Hot Chocolate Spoons 30g


Hot Chocolate Indulgence – take 200mls of hot milk, insert your chocolate spoon and start stirring. Stop and lick the melting chocolate – Sensational!